
I highly recommend Suellen Miller as a DREAM MANAGER. She was the catalyst, support, advisor, and coach for making my dreams come truth. The things that were among my dreams: losing weight, getting back in shape, controlling my finances, travelling to the Philippines, and restoring my health. She was a driving force in me achieving those dreams. She is not a personal physical trainer, she is not a financial consultant, nor is she a travel agent or a doctor. She is a DREAM MANGER. Suellen is someone who listens, guides, encourages, and helps you achieve your dreams. If you have dreams, goals, or life ambitions I suggest you talk to Suellen. Your dreams can come true. Mine did. ~ Dave Ross, 1997 Toastmasters International Speaker of the Year.

Testimonials and Feedback from a Client Organization
What do Dream Manager Program participants and company leadership say about The Dream
Manager Program’s impact? Review these below responses from one client organization.
Comments from company leadership, the organization’s Dream Manager®, and Program
participants are all included.

The Dream Manager Program has had a major impact on the culture and performance of our organization. The
employees who have participated have an increased passion for the work they do each day and that passion has
been contagious throughout our company.
—Drake, Chairman, President and CEO

The Dream Manager Program will change your life. Unlike typical self-help books, the Dream Manager Program is
not a “how to” approach to fix all of life’s issues. Instead, the Program is designed to help you identify, pursue, and
achieve your dreams. The result is living a life full of passion and purpose.
—Tim, Vice President and Certified Dream Manager®

The Dream Manager Program, and more specifically my Dream Manager®, has given me the confidence to set a goal
and accomplish that dream, now more than any other time in my life. In less than 1 year I have been able to transform
my mental approach to life. I have lost nearly 70Ibs and have become an avid runner. I have a goal to run my first half
marathon by the end of the year, and I have no doubt I will accomplish that dream. The Dream Manager Program is
not just about marking dreams off a list, it is about becoming the person you have always dreamed to be!
—Michael, Banking Center Manager

The Dream Manager Program isn’t just a “program” it’s a life style change. It’s an opportunity to stop and focus on
yourself at a much deeper level. When this Program was first introduced I was amazed that a company would put
that much into its employees “personal” goals and dreams. As always, our company is a step above the rest and
recognizes the importance of helping their employees become the best version of themselves. Since starting the
Program, my husband and I have bought our first home, paid off all our credit card debt and have more money in
our savings than ever before. Most of all, I’m more aware of the quality of time I spend with my family and living my
life as an example to my child. The Dream Manager Program has opened my eyes to see that there is nothing more
important than the legacy I leave for the future generation.
—Amber, Assistant Vice President

The Dream Manager Program is like a magnifying glass for me; it allows me to take a good look at myself up
close. It serves as a navigation system; guiding me along the way as I work toward my goals. My Dream Manager®
sincerely cares about my well being, and I’m held accountable without the fear of judgment. The Program has
taught me that priorities change, and a change in priority is not failure … it is achievement delayed!
—Ca Donna, Business Analyst

When I started The Dream Manager Program 13 months ago, I viewed myself totally different. I had little to no
confidence in myself. After my monthly meetings with my Dream Manager® started, I began to view myself and
those things around me differently. Instead of feeling discouraged over past failures, I began to celebrate the small
changes I was making in my life. Over time, those small changes have led to major victories. Since I started the
Program, I have accomplished over half of my initial list of 100 dreams. They range from establishing a budget to
earning a promotion. I can honestly say the Dream Manager Program has helped me be “the best version of myself”
I can possibly be. I owe my company a HUGE thank you for offering such an awesome Program to their employees.
—Nichole, Banking Center Manager